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Do you ever catch yourself saying, “Oh I would love to do (this), but I just dont have the time.” ? Do you feel overwhelmed by the amount if things you feel like you need to get done in a day? Does anxiety get the best of you and you just give up and dont do anything because it all just seems too much?

That was my life. Heck, somedays it still can be. I have learned to give myself a little grace and take time to be ok with not finishing everything on my “To-do” list. I fully admit somedays I may give myself a little too much grace and will just watch Netflix all day long. Which kills any production but again, sometimes a day of nothing is exactly what you need.

One day, I was listening to a podcast from a dear friend/mentor, Mr. Twenty Twenty. He mentions taking just 20 minutes out of your day and apply it to something you want to do. It isn’t a big chunk of time. And you can do so much in that 20 minutes. So here is a list of things I strive to apply each day for the 20 minutes. (I, obviously, don’t do all of them I pick and choose one or more, depending if I get lost in the momentum and go for longer):

  1. Read a book or an article each day for personal development. Just a few pages and apply what I read.
  2. Work on a crochet project. This is where I can fall down a rabbit hole.
  3. Clean one area of my house. When you have a couple of “tornadoes” that live with you, keeping a clean house can be daunting and this is where I get overwhelmed each day.
  4. This blog. Whether I can produce a full post in the 20 minutes of not, I begin it at some point. There have been a few days I havent completed a post because I just was rambling.
  5. Journal. This has pretty much been taken over by the blog, but some days I dont want to share things that are weighing on my mind so I write them out. When I am so frustrated, overwhelmed and full of anxiety, I will write in my journal “What is it that I truly want?” This always gets to the root of my anxiety or frustration.
  6. Be still. This one I may need only a few moments but again, when I feel an overwhelming amount of emotions, I stop and am still. I quiet my mind and am then able to process the root of the issue. I used to take a lot of time throughout the day and meditate. I have found to stop and be still is less time consuming. When I meditated I needed the right music, perhaps some candles, a very quiet room, now I can be still wherever I am. It truly is amazing how quickly I can pull myself out of a funk by doing this.
  7. Try out something new. This is a very broad generalization. This can be anything. It could be a new stitch for crocheting, a different way of cleaning. A different kind of TV Show to watch, etc. Doing the same things over and over each and every day keeps up stagnant. Even the slightest difference of things can get our mind flowing in a different direction. This can be something as simple as using your left hand to wash a window versus your right hand. We can become creatures of habits far too easily and then are put on autopilot. Don’t do that!

I’m sure I will be expanding a bit on this subject as time goes on. In the meantime I am enjoying exploring all the new things.

If this post was helpful or if you have any questions please comment below.

Thanks. For reading!